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be healthy
At BEPC Inc., we care for you! We want our people to live a better life. This campaign is designed to provide you with tips, tricks and supplies that will make your lifestyle easier and healthier.
Why is it important for a human to be Healthy?
What can we do to be Healthier?
Do we want to be Healthy?
People are not used to taking care of themselves. We are always in a hurry and we forget that our body does everything for us. Choosing a better lifestyle could bring us many benefits including living a longer and healthier life. What we choose to do for ourselves today will bring positive results for us tomorrow.

No Hunger = Better Work Performance
The body talks in many ways; one of the most devalued need is hunger. People forget about biological needs and they are the most important needs that a human being has. That’s why we invite you to prepare your meals a night before work and to eat when you are feeling hungry. This way, your work performance is going to be better.
When we work with an empty stomach, we are using our body reservations. The body will self-program itself to accumulate every food you eat after spending a lot of time without eating.
Our body is like a car. Will you race a car with an empty tank? If not, then why would you work with an empty stomach?

MYths vs. realities
Fats aren’t good for the body.
Flour must be removed from your food plan.
Milk is the best option to get Calcium.
We must eat 3 meal a day.
• Our body needs fats. Especially the healthier ones like avocado, nuts, grains and vegetable oils. Eating balanced fats and oils are essential for the body. See More
• You don’t necessarily have to remove any group of food if you learn to control your food habits. See More
• Of course milk is not the best option to get calcium, indeed it is better for us to stop consuming these product. See More
• It doesn’t matter how many meals you eat, because it depends on the consistency of each meal and how you feel after you finish eating. See More
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